Thursday, May 31, 2012


Sketsa Bajaj Pulsar 180 Facelift

sahabat otoMan,,
kali ini kita akan membahas kelanjutan dari artikel kemarin bahwa generasi lawas BAJAJ pulsar akan continue terus masih akan hidup hihihi,, jalan2 di warungnya om Randy nemu lagi nih,, wkkwkw
sepertinya Bajaj india tidak ingin begitu saja meninggalkan gen lawas mereka,,, masa sepah manis pait di buang,,ehhh salah,, habis manis sepah di buang,,ga fear kan, Bajaj harus berterimakasih kepada pahlawan2 mereka salah satunya si Bajaj Pulasar 180. dengan teknologi DTS-I yang mendobrak dunia ,, dan tercengang,,, maka harus tetap di lestarikan dengan memberikan sedikit sentuhan-sentuhan kasih sayang*lebeee...
agar tidak ketinggalan zaman,, si Pulsar 180 juga harus di up grade di beberapa titik,, nih liat gambarnya,,hihihi

menurut ambar di atas,, otoMan mengacungkan 4 jempol bahkan kalo punya 5 deh heheheh,,
dengan headlamp menyerupai adiknya yaitu Pulsar 135LS,, dan tidak memakai Headlamp ala srigala lagi maka akan terlihat lebih mantap n garang,,, di tambag sayap yang di pasang di bawah tangki . tidak lupa sistem peredam yang sudah memakai monoshok layaknya P200Ns,,  wuuiihh mantapp dahhh,,, jepun-jepun pasti akan kocar-kacir  kebingungan deh,, di jamin,, hahhaha
gimana pendapatnya?? monggo komentarnya (


Sasis Trebaru Honda Tralis

sahabat otoMan,,,
kali ini kita akan membahas tentang si tralis yang akhir2 ini jarang nongolin berita tebarunya.. tiba2 pasjalan2 ke warungnya mabah IWB,, ehh akhirnya nongol juga,,, padahal lagi nungguin apakah hoax belaka seperti beberapa lalu menjadi teren ,,, dan sekarang kahirnya terlihat kabar lagi dan AHM mencoba untuk tidak terhanyaut terbawa suasana,, yang banyak kalangan menuding akan menjadi HOAX belaka,,, sedikit demi sedikit kabar itu pun di tepisnya... setelah beberapa lalu jelas bahwa si tralis akan memakai mesin 150 cc DOHC,, sekarang akan kitabahas tentang sasinya..

di lapaknya kang IWB jelas banget bahwa si tralis memang bertubuh kekar dengan sais tralisnya , uuuwawwww ,, di sinyalir gambar tersebut 100% akan menjadi sasis si Honda K1** hal itu di tegaskan oleh si pemilik gambar,,,
dapat di korek informasi bahwa Pipa jalinan Tubular mirip dengan si CBR 250.  coba kalian perhatikan hhohhohoperbedaannya cuma pada footstep boncengan yang lebih mirip si CBR150R yang menyatu pada rangka buritan tidak terpisah..
di bagian depan si pipa tubular siap menggendong mesin 150cc DOHC 4 valve yang di gandang2 akan di bandrol di bawah 25 jeti,, weeww,,,,
giman komentarnya silahkan hihihi. (otoMan)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Twelve Artists #05


Conrad Leach

Pop culture and motoring tradition are thoughts evoked by Conrad Leach's brilliant artwork. Our English friend conveys to us a blend of heroism displayed by riders and drivers in an age when speed and danger went hand in hand. Good examples of this are his paintings of Sir Malcolm Campbell and a very graphic representation of Peter Fonda, two subjects at opposite ends of a culture. Conrads artwork has instant appeal achieved by expanses of flat and bright colour applied to large canvases.

Conrad has enjoyed a certain success since his first exhibition at the APART Gallery in London in 1997. A five year contract with Louis Vuitton followed, a series of portraits commissioned by the Grand Hotel in Oslo and a series produced for The Legend of the Motorcycle in 2008. More recent exhibitions include an exhibition in London entitled 'Paradise Lost' and 'Re-Pop' his latest exhibition in Tokyo.

We are proud to welcome Conrad to our Wheels and Waves exhibition commencing 15th June.



I Drink


Plug it in and switch it on, but make sure your circuit breakers are fully operational. Magnetix are the ultimate French electro-rock super-hero diode with no other influences we can figure out other than Davie Allen and the Arrows starting static with Cramps in a sound clash live from Pluto (far out, dig?). This nasty "Drogue Electrique" LP brings a full on sex beat that throbs with a creepy, fuzzed out sludge, grinding through your cranium like a rusty antenna. The ping-pong stereo vibrates wildly with a multichromatic display of analog effects meant to make your retinas shimmer and your ass wiggle. Cross the Magnetix and deal with death, this duo is the penalty for fans of twee, and a reward for the lightning breed.

About TAST

Tast is born of an eight legged twist, to the rhythm and sound of summer 2010. At a time when electronic counters wobbled on the BPM of the digital generation, Tast hasn't forgotten the diabolical euphoria generated by low-fi pick-ups.
This is the past and future reunited in a 2.0 years juke box



Great Video Featuring Urals in Washington

I don't really have much to add, except that I'm mildly jealous of these guys.  Enjoy!


Bugatti Veyron vs Lamborghini Aventador vs Lexus LFA vs McLaren MP4-12C

Sahabat otoMan...
kemarin banyak yang riquest nih,... minta di cariin video Race ato Dragnya mobil-mobil supercar yang dahsyat itu... ada yang minta gen teranyar  Lamborghini yaitu Aventador di tarungkan dengan SUpercar tercepat yaitu Bugati Veyron,,, ada juga yang minta
SI Lexsus LFA tarung ama si Mclaren MP-4..  ada  juga yang minta tarung semuanya,, aduhh kepala otoMan jadi puyeng cenat-cenut,,, hahha so otoMan langsung aja menuju sumber terpercaya apa lagi kalo bukan si Youtube kwkwkw,,, asikk get ,, dapet deh,, nih dia dari pada pusing satu-satu di turutin mending satu pulau 23 dayung di lewati,, eh salah,, 1x dayung 23 pulau terlewati maksudnya hahhah,,
nih dia ane persembahkan silahkan di simak deh dan jangn lupa popcorn n pepsinya yah,, hihi komentarnya juga jangan lupa (otoMan)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


In the Pink 1972

Crowned, Americas Best Chopper (I believe at the Oakland Roadster Show 1972). The bike pretty well somes up the early 70's chopper ideal with features not all that common today. Stuff like pull backs and very long forks. In this case, rigid forks. Forks were getting so long and raked that many decided front suspension didn't work well anyway. Small brakeless 16 and 17 inch front wheels were the craze. No self respecting chopper didn't feature a molded frame. You had to have as much chrome as possible which sometimes (like here), included touches of gold. Pinks, magentas, and violets were much more common than on bikes seen now. Riding 2 up seemed a lot more common too. Oh yeah... rider and passenger in slick dress.