Friday, January 2, 2009

Staring Down The New Year

I've heard a whole bunch of people saying they're glad 2008 is over, and what a terrible year it was.

I dunno, I thought 2008 kicked ass. I mean, I can't personally do anything about Wall Street, real estate, fuel prices or Alaskan governors, so I've been pretty focused on making sure that I am awesome. And when I take care of number one, when I don't let things I can't control affect me, I have a damn good time.

Last year's resolution was "live awesome," and that's what I did. I made it out to Los Alamos twice, went up the Oregon coast, actually bought a scooter and fixed it up to sell (we'll get it sold this year), handled some parrots, and wrote another novel. I rock!

If I had a resolution for this year, it would be "outdo last year."

Oh, and "get a sweet custom van."